December 9, 2021
Greetings Cardinals,
It is hard to believe that we are smack dab in the middle of the holiday season with Christmas Break just one week away and Thanksgiving Break just but a short time ago. The holiday season also means the end of the 1st semester of the school year is near, fall sports/activities are completed, and we are gearing up for the excitement of our winter sports/activities while building anticipation for the coming spring. It amazes me how fast we can push through this time of year because we are excited for all that lies in front of us but find it challenging to take a moment and allow ourselves the opportunity to be reflective and give thanks and express gratitude. So, I want to take a moment to express my thanks and appreciation to the fantastic teacher and staff members that make up the most awesome school in Northwest Missouri, Stewartsville C2. Every day, I witness our teachers and staff members arrive at #TheNest prepared to engage with students in a positive manner. I see each exhibit Cardinal Pride while having optimism and excitement when engaging in the learning process with our students. Sometimes I witness learning from paper and pencil, and other times I see learning from sincere personal experiences our teachers and staff members share with students. Whatever the need, I see our teachers and staff members find a way to provide the lesson, and they do so gracefully. Our teachers and staff know how to make even the quietest kids feel heard and how to bring the loud and boisterous ones down a notch or two so that everyone’s voice is heard! In the process, each of them makes our students feel important, and they accept them as they are. I am grateful for the gifts our teachers and staff members bring daily to our school that help us fulfill our mission of developing the Cardinal community as life-long learners while assisting students to achieve their own Cardinal Victories.
In closing, I wish each of you the happiest times with family throughout this Holiday Season.
Merry Christmas,
Michael Stephenson